Sunday, September 07, 2014

The disgrace that is Graham Lloyd

The Australian Newspaper’s War On The Bureau of Meteorology � Graham Readfearn
We know that The Australian has been conducting a War on Climate Science for years, but it is still utterly gobsmacking that Graham Lloyd has been publicising the dog-returning-to-its-vomit stories of Marohasy, Jonova, Stockwell and others that the Australian temperature record has been deliberately (and without using the word itself, but clearly implying it continually - fraudulently) manipulated by the Bureau of Meteorology.

Graham Readfern's article above is a good summary.

The only conspiracy going on is in the paranoid imaginations of skeptics.  As Sou notes at Hotwhopper, wannabe King of Skeptics Anthony Watts appears close to breaking point recently.  He's long been a nasty, immature man when it comes to criticism.

And yet fools believe these people.


nottrampis said...

He propagandizes for the OZ. It is just as bad as Catallaxy. Neither can lie straight in bed!

John said...

I've just finished reading Tabloid Medicine, a book about how the Internet and various journalists and celebrities distort science and are remarkably successful in convincing large numbers of people that modern medicine is just about making money, that scientists are easily corrupted, and that the establishment view is a conspiracy. It has many similarities to the Doofi claiming climate scientists are looking for grants, are easily corrupted ... .